Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Exercise of Normalization (ERD Normalization)

The ERD that need to normalization :

There I found some errors in the ERD. There is no cardinality between table Bagian and Proyek, then no relation from table PROYEK to ternary, because table PROYEK has related by KERJA with table PEGAWAI. In the ERD that was updated, can be added 1-N cardinality on the PROJECT and the relationship, this is because, because, in the part 1 and can handle many PROJECT, PROJECT, and many can be handled by the Section 1

There is goal ERD to making improvements, this is done on the table from the ERD mapping, the mapping of the table as much as possible in the form of mapping 2NF or 3NF this can occur if the process is done correctly.


Normalization 1NF and 2NF

For table TANGGUNGAN and KERJA aren’t need to normalization because they have no primary key.

Normalization 3NF

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