Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Sejarah Lanang Dawan Pemecutan


Penyerangan desa Dawan Kelungkung.

Diceritakan Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti di Puri Agung Kelungkung yang beribu dari Pemecutan yaitu Anak Agung Istri Jambe yang merupakan adik dari Kiyai Macan Gading Raja Pemecutan Ke II. Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti bermaksud untuk mengadakan upacara Pitra Yadnya sehingga dipanggillah Bagawanta Kemenuh dan Bagawanta Manuaba serta para sulinggih dan patih Agung.

  • Didalam pertemuan tersebut beliau menyampaikan maksudnya untuk mengadakan upakara Pitra Yadnya, namun sebelumnya beliau ingin berbicara dengan leleuhur beliau yang sudah meninggal, namun tidak seorangpun yang sanggup melakukan hal tersebut.Setelah berjalan beberapa bulan lamanya Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti termenung memikirkan siapa gerangan yang dapat melaksanakan tugas tersebut, beliau teringat akan cerita orang-orang di tepi siring Tabanan tentang kesaktian Ida Pranda Sakti Ender keturunan Brahmana Keniten yang selalu mengembara keseluruh daerah Bali sehingga tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal yang tetap.Maka dikirimlah utusan keseluruh penjuru Bali untuk mencari keberadaan Ida Pranda Sakti Ender. Setelah berselang beberapa lama maka utusan yang dikirim ke Badung menemukan Ida Pranda Sakti Ender sedang memuput upacara manusia yadnya di desa Sida Karya Sesetan. Para utusan kemudian menyampaikan maksud dan tujuannya menemui Ida Pranda Sakti Ender atas perintah dari Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti. Setelah mendengar penjelasan utusan tersebut beliau menyanggupi dan minta diantar ke Puri Kelungkung.Setelah sampai diPuri Kelungkung, Ida Pranda Sakti Ender diterima langsung oleh Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti dan menyampaikan prihal upakara Pitra Yadnya yang akan dilaksanakan tersebut.

Segala persiapan telah dilaksanakan dan setelah semuanya siap mulailah Ida Pranda Sakti Ender melaksanakan puja wali. Pada waktu Ida Peranda mengadakan puja layang-layang yang tergantung di Penjor sunari bergerak gerak seperti bersuara manusia. Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti kemudian bercakap cakap dengan leluhurnya melalui layang layang tersebut.Demikianlah karena kesaktian dari Ida Pranda Sakti Ender maka apa yang menjadi keinginan dari Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti akhirnya dapat terwujud dan sebagai rasa terima kasih Ida Pranda Sakti Ender kemudian diangkat sebagai Bagawanta Kerajaan Kelungkung.Brahmana Kemenuh yang merasa tersisih memilih meninggalkan Kelungkung menuju desa Den Bukit namun dalam perjalanan beliau bertemu dengan Ki Barak Panji Sakti. Dalam pertemuannya tersebut Ki Barak Panji Sakti menawarkan kepada Brahmana Kemunuh untuk menetap di desa Panji. Sedangkan Brahmana Manuaba juga meninggalkan Kelungkung menuju desa Dawan dan membuat pesraman di bukit Abah.

  • Karena merasa tersisih dan kehilangan kepercayaan dari Kerajaan Kelungkung, timbullah rasa kecewa dan sakit hati dari Brahmana Manuaba. Beliau mulai mengabaikan semua perintah Raja Kelungkung. Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti mendapat laporan tentang pembangkangan Brahmana Manuaba kemudian memutuskan untuk menghukum Brahmana Manuaba, namun tidak seorangpun utusan yang berhasil mendekat ke desa Dawan, karena baru saja utusan menginjak perbatasan Dawan, mereka sudah dihadang oleh ribuan tabuan sirah (tawon) karena beliau mempunyai senjata yang sangat ampuh yaitu sebuah tongkat sakti dan sebuah Kulkul yang berisi rumah tawon. Bila ada musuh yang mendekat maka dengan sendirinya tanpa dipukul kulkul tersebut akan berbunyi dan semua tabuan sirah yang ada didalamnya akan terbang menyerang musuh dan menyengat sampai mati.Setelah mendapat laporan tersebut, Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti menjadi sangat marah dan memerintahkan pasukan Kerajaan kelungkung untuk menggempur desa Dawan dari segala arah. Pasukan Klungkung kemudian disambut oleh ribuan tabuan sirah dan korban dari pihak Klungkung sangat banyak sehingga sisanya memilih mengundurkan diri kembali ke Klungkung. Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti sangat kesal menyaksikan kekalahan yang dialami laskar Klungkung dan memikirkan cara lain untuk mengalhkan Brahmana Manuaba.Pada suatu hari beliau mendapat firasat bahwa yang dapat mengalahkan Brahmana Manuaba adalah Kerajaan Badung, maka dikirmlah utusan untuk menghadap Raja Badung Ida Bhatara Maharaja Sakti di Puri Agung Pemecutan.

Setelah menghadap utusan kemudian menyampaikan maksud dan tujuannya diutus oleh Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti untuk meminta bantuan untuk mengalahkan Brahmana Manuaba yang bermukum di desa Dawan.Ida Bhatara Maharaja Sakti minta waktu beberapa hari untuk mempertimbangkan hal tersebut karena hal tersebut akan dibicarakan terlebih dahulu dengan putra putra beliau. Dalam rapat yang diadakan dengan pembesar Puri Pemecutan dan putra putranya beliau menyampaikan permohonan dari Kerajaan Klungkung yang minta bantuan dari Puri Pemecutan untuk mengalahkan Brahmana Manuaba di desa Dawan. Dalam rapat tersebut akhirnya diputuskan bahwa putra beliau yang bernama kiyai Agung Anom diberikan kepercayaan untuk melaksanakan tugas tersebut. Setelah adanya keputusan tersebut utusan Kerajaan Klungkung sangat gembira dan mohon pamit untuk menyampaikan kesediaan Puri Pemecutan membantu Kerajaan Klungkung.Setelah mendapat kepercayaan dari ayahnya untuk melaksanakan tugas tersebut, Kyai Agung Anom mohon pamit untuk kembali ke Desa Nyitdah Kediri Tabanan tempat pos pasukannya ditempatkan. Di Pura Gegelang desa Nyitdah, Kyai Agung Anom bertapa semedi mohon petunjuk dari Ida Sanghyang Widhi untuk mengalahkan Brahmana Manuaba di desa Dawan. Dalam semedinya beliau mendapat petunjuk bahwa Brahmana Manuaba hanya dapat dikalahkan oleh api unggun dan dalam melaksanakan tugas tersebut harus bekerjasama dengan cucu dari Brahmana Keniten yang sudah lama bermukim di desa Dawan Kaja (utara). Kyai Agung Anom sangat gembira mendapat petunjuk tersebut dan segeralah dilakukan persipan untuk menuju desa Dawan.

  • Setelah sampai di desa Dawan segeralah diatur strategi penyerangan dengan cucu brahmana Keniten yaitu penyerangan akan dilakukaan tepat pada tengah hari dan dilarang melakukan penyerangan sebelum api unggun dinyalakan. Setelah melalui persiapan yang matang maka mulailah penyerangan desa Dawan pada tengah hari, api ungun dinyalakan oleh Brahmana Keniten di puncak bukit Abah dan terlihat sangat jelas dari pos pertahanan Kayai Agung Anom dan memerintahkan pasukannya untuk menyerang desa Dawan dari segala arah. Mendapat serangan yang mendadak tersebut rakyat desa Dawan sangat terkejut dan tidak sempat sempat memberikan perlawanan sedangkan senjata andalan Brahmana Manuaba berupa tongkat sakti dan tabuan sirah tidak berfungsi karena api ungun yang dinyalakan telah membuat takut tabuan sirah.Brahmana Manuaba akhirnya mengaku kalah dan menyerahkan seluruh desa Dawan beserta rakyatnya kepada Kiyai Agung Anom. Berita kemenangan pasukan Kiyai Agung Anom akhirnya sampai kehadapan Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti dan sebagai rasa terima kasih beliau mengundang seluruh laskar Badung ke Puri Klungkung. Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti minta kepada Kyai Agung Anom untuk menetap di desa Dawan dan akan diangkat sebagai kepala Pemerintahan, namun beliau menolak hadiah tersebut. Namun untuk mengenang hal tersebut Kyai Agung Anom memutuskan mengambil nama Desa Dawan sebagai namanya sehingga mulai saat itu Kyai Agung Anom berganti nama menjadi Kiyai Agung Lanang Dawan.Oleh karena tugas telah selesai maka Kiyai Agung Lanang Dawan mohon diri kehadapanIda I Dewa Agung Jambe Sakti untuk kembali ke Puri Pemecutan. Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Puri Pemecutan Kiyai Agung Lanang Dawan ikut serta warga Brahmana Keniten, warga Brahmana Manuaba dan warga tangkas sebanyak 40 KK.
  • Asal Muasal Jero Lanang Dawan Menempati Daerah Tegal (Jatuhnya Jero Tegeh Kuri Tegal)

Di kisahkan Ida Bhatara Maharaja Sakti ingin mempersunting Ni Gusti Ayu Tegeh yang merupaka putri dari I Gusti Made Tegeh di Jero Tegeh Kuri Tegal. Peminangan telah diterima dengan baik dan hari pengambilanpun telah disepakati oleh kedua belah pihak yaitu dua pekan lagi. Namun pada hari yang telah ditentukan telah terjadi sesuatu yang tidak baik dimana Ni Gusti Ayu Tegeh telah terlebih dahulu dikawinkan dengan raja Mengwi dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan batuan dari Kerajaan Mengwi untuk mengembalikan kekuasaan atau kedudukan I Gusti Made Tegeh sebagai Raja Badung.

  • Ida Bhatara Maharaja Sakti merasa terhina dengan permainan seperti ini, dan tidak ada pilihan lain selain memberikan pelajaran yang setimpal atas perbuatan I Gusti Made Tegeh. Pasukan Pemecutan kemudian menyerang Jero Tegeh Kuri dan pertempuran tidak bisa dihindarkan. Dari pihak Jero Tegeh Kuri banyak yang menjadi korban sehingga I Gusti Made Tegeh memutuskan untuk meninggalkan Jero Tegeh Kuri kearah timur menuju Gianyar. Setelah rombongan sampai di sebelah utara Batubulan, I Gusti Made Tegeh memutuskan untuk beristirahat dan membuat perkemahan. Dalam pelariannya I Gusti Made Tegeh membawa serta pejenengan berupa keris dn diikuti oleh panjak 200 KK.Setelah beberapa lamanya rombongan I Gusti Made Tegeh berkemah di hutan yang lebat, I Gusti Made Tegeh kemudian datang menyerahkan diri ke Puri batubulan, mohon perlindungan serta mengabdi. I Gusti Made Tegeh diterima dengan baik dan diperkenankan membuat Jero di tengah hutan yang menjadi wilayah kekuasaan Puri batubulan. Jero tegeh Kuri kemudian dibangun disebelah barat jalan tikungan menuju Desa Celuk dan diberi nama Jero Tegal Tamu. Sisa anggota keluarga I Gusti Made Tegeh yang masih ditinggalkan di Tegal mohon perlindungan Raja Pemecutan dan sebagai hukumannya kastanya dirurunkan menjadi Gusti Pengaotan yang berarti tidak menepati janji.Untuk menghadapi serangan balasan dari I Gusti Made Tegeh beserta Puri Batubulan, maka Ida Bhatara Maharaja Sakti menempatkan salah seorang putranya yaitu Kiyai Agung Lanang Dawan yang sebelumnya menempati pos di Kediri (Tabanan) untuk ditarik ke Tegal untuk membantu laskar Lanang Cempaka yang sebelumnya telah terlebih dahulu menempati pos tersebut.

Kiyai Agung Lanang Dawan menempati posnya yang baru di desa Tegal dengan membawa serta warga Kaba Kaba, warga Tangkas, warga Losan, warga Belayu, warga Baluwan, dan warga Pasek Kedangkan. Warga Kaba kaba berasal dari Arya Belang Singa di Kaba kaba yang pada mulanya terlibat dalam suatu pertempuran yang sengit dengan Arya Belog. Arya Belang Singa tersedesak dan hampir dibunuh namun berhasil melarikan diri ke desa Nyitdah Kediri yang merupakan markas Kiyai Agung Lanang Dawan dan mohon perlindungan. Kiyai Agung Lanang Dawan mau menerima Arya Belang Singa namun kastanya diturunkan menjadi I Gde Kelakan yang berarti pernah dikalahkan. I Gde Kelakan diberi tugas untuk merawat Pura Pekendungan di desa Beraban Nyitdah dan setelah Kiyai Agung Lanang Dawan menetap di Jero Dawan Tegal beliau membuat Pura Pesimpangan Pekendungan yang disesungsung oleh warga Kaba Kaba sampai sekarang. Lokasi Pura tersebut berada di Jalan Imambonjol disebelah Barat Pura Majapahit.Pertahanan Kiyai Agung Lanang Dawan di Tegal diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga bergelar Sabit Mangap dengan posisi sebagai berikut

  • Disebelah Barat Pura Batur didrikan Jero dawan terus berurutan keselatan I Gede Kelakan, I Gede Padang, Warga Tambiyak, Warga Kayumas, Warga Baluwan dan yang paling selatan warga Kaba Kaba menjadi satu dengan Pura Pekendungan.
  • Disebelah Utara Pura Batur didirikan Jero Dawan Kanginan berurutan ketimur warga Losan dan warga kayumas.
Dengan pertahanan yang demikian kuat I Gusti Made Tegeh mengurungkan niatnya untuk menyerang kembali desa Tegal dan memutuskan untuk menetap di Desa Tegal Tamu sampai sekarang. Sebelum I Gusti Made Tegeh Kuri menjadi raja Badung, daerah Tegal ada dibawah kekuasaan Ki Pasek Kedangkang dengan pusat pemerintahan ada di Puri Samprangan dibawah pemerintahan Sri Kresna Kepakisan sebagai Raja Bali. Pasek Kendangkan mendapat tugas dari Dalem Sri Kresna Kepakisan untuk menjaga Pulau Bali bagian selatan untuk mencegah pendaratan musuh di Pantai Kuta. Pasek Kendangkan kemudian membuat tempat tinggal di Tegal tepatnya di sebelah Timur jalan Imam bonjol persis dibelah selatan Pura Pasek sekarang dan disebelah utaranya dibangun tempat persembahyangan para leluhurnya yang deberi nama Pura Pasek Tegal.

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Exercise of Normalization (ERD Normalization)

The ERD that need to normalization :

There I found some errors in the ERD. There is no cardinality between table Bagian and Proyek, then no relation from table PROYEK to ternary, because table PROYEK has related by KERJA with table PEGAWAI. In the ERD that was updated, can be added 1-N cardinality on the PROJECT and the relationship, this is because, because, in the part 1 and can handle many PROJECT, PROJECT, and many can be handled by the Section 1

There is goal ERD to making improvements, this is done on the table from the ERD mapping, the mapping of the table as much as possible in the form of mapping 2NF or 3NF this can occur if the process is done correctly.


Normalization 1NF and 2NF

For table TANGGUNGAN and KERJA aren’t need to normalization because they have no primary key.

Normalization 3NF

Sabtu, 25 April 2009

Database Normalization

Database Design Process

There are some process that must be done to design a database :

· Gathering user needs / business

· Developing the ER model based on user needs / business

· Converting ER Model to set the relation (table)

· Normalization of relations, for the anomaly

· Implementation goes to database by make table for each relationship already most normalization

Database Normalization

Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database. There are two goals of the normalization process: eliminating redundant data (for example, storing the same data in more than one table) and ensuring data dependencies make sense (only storing related data in a table). Both of these are worthy goals as they reduce the amount of space a database consumes and ensure that data is logically stored.

The database community has developed a series of guidelines for ensuring that databases are normalized. These are referred to as normal forms and are numbered from one (the lowest form of normalization, referred to as first normal form or 1NF) through five (fifth normal form or 5NF). In practical applications, you'll often see 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF along with the occasional 4NF. Usually only up to the level of 3NF or BCNF because already sufficient to generate the tables of good quality.

First Normal Form

First Normal Form (1NF) sets the very basic rules for an organized database:

  • Eliminate duplicative columns from the same table.
  • Create separate tables for each group of related data and identify each row with a unique column or set of columns (the primary key).

Second Normal Form

Second normal form (2NF) further addresses the concept of removing duplicative data:

  • Meet all the requirements of the first normal form.
  • Remove subsets of data that apply to multiple rows of a table and place them in separate tables.
  • Create relationships between these new tables and their predecessors through the use of foreign keys.

Third normal form

Third normal form (3NF) goes one large step further:

  • Meet all the requirements of the second normal form.
  • Remove columns that are not dependent upon the primary key.

Fourth Normal Form

Finally, fourth normal form (4NF) has one additional requirement:

  • Meet all the requirements of the third normal form.
  • A relation is in 4NF if it has no multi-valued dependencies.

Remember, these normalization guidelines are cumulative. For a database to be in 2NF, it must first fulfill all the criteria of a 1NF database.

Normalization must done beacuse:

· Need to optimizing the structures of table

· It can increasing speed

· The income data is the same

· It is more efficient in the use of storage media

· It is able to reduce redundancy

· Need to Avoid anomalies (insertion anomalies, deletion anomalies, update anomalies)

One table is said well (efficient) or normal if accomplish 3 criterions as follows:

· If there is decomposition (parsing) table, therefore the decomposition shall be secured safe (Lossless Join Decomposition). It’s mean, after that table is untied / at decomposition becomes new tables, that new tables can result original table equally exactly

· Its preserve dependency functional at the moment data change (Dependency Preservation).

· Don't breach Boyce-Code Normal Form (BCNF)

If the third criterion (BCNF) can't be accomplished, therefore at least that table not breach the third Normal Form (3rd Normal Form/ 3NF).

Normalization is required because of the redundancy relations, not relations of "good". Why?

  • The main reason is the possibility of "update anomalies" (when the insert, delete, update) because can impact on the data inconsistencies
  • The reason is other waste storage space (hard disk)

An update anomaly. Employee 519 is shown as having different addresses on different records.

An insertion anomaly. Until the new faculty member, Dr. Newsome, is assigned to teach at least one course, his details cannot be recorded.

A deletion anomaly. All information about Dr. Giddens is lost when he temporarily ceases to be assigned to any courses.

How to Handle anomaly?

1. Anomaly in the handle by programming language used to create the application database. Designer should note this anomaly and to tell a programmer.

2. Anomaly does not handle the system, but submitted to the operator to be careful in making modifications, inserts and deletes. It is human error risk.

3. Anomalies be avoided, with ways to secure the normalization.


Databases intended for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) are typically more normalized than databases intended for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). OLTP Applications are characterized by a high volume of small transactions such as updating a sales record at a super market checkout counter. The expectation is that each transaction will leave the database in a consistent state. By contrast, databases intended for OLAP operations are primarily "read mostly" databases. OLAP applications tend to extract historical data that has accumulated over a long period of time. For such databases, redundant or "denormalized" data may facilitate business intelligence applications. Specifically, dimensional tables in a star schema often contain denormalized data. The denormalized or redundant data must be carefully controlled during ETL processing, and users should not be permitted to see the data until it is in a consistent state. The normalized alternative to the star schema is the snowflake schema. It has never been proven that this denormalization itself provides any increase in performance, or if the concurrent removal of data constraints is what increases the performance. In many cases, the need for denormalization has waned as computers and RDBMS software have become more powerful, but since data volumes have generally increased along with hardware and software performance, OLAP databases often still use denormalized schemas.

Denormalization is also used to improve performance on smaller computers as in computerized cash-registers and mobile devices, since these may use the data for look-up only (e.g. price lookups). Denormalization may also be used when no RDBMS exists for a platform (such as Palm), or no changes are to be made to the data and a swift response is crucial.

Breaking Rules : When to Denormalize

Sometimes it's necessary to break the rules of normalization and create a database that is deliberately less normal than it otherwise could be. You'll usually do this for performance reasons or because the users of the database demand it. While this won't get you any points with database design purists, ultimately you have to deliver a solution that satisfies your users. If you do break the rules, however, and decide to denormalize you database, it's important that you follow these guidelines:

· Break the rules deliberately; have a good reason for denormalizing.

· Be fully aware of the tradeoffs this decision entails.

· Thoroughly document this decision.

· Create the necessary application adjustments to avoid anomalies.

This last point is worth elaborating on. In most cases, when you denormalize, you will be required to create additional application code to avoid insertion, update, and deletion anomalies that a more normalized design would avoid. For example, if you decide to store a calculation in a table, you'll need to create extra event procedure code and attach it to the appropriate event properties of forms that are used to update the data on which the calculation is based.

If you're considering denormalizing for performance reasons, don't always assume that the denormalized approach is the best. Instead, I suggest you first fully normalize the database (to Third Normal Form or higher) and then denormalize only if it becomes necessary for reasons of performance.

If you're considering denormalizing because your users think they need it, investigate why. Often they will be concerned about simplifying data entry, which you can usually accomplish by basing forms on queries while keeping your base tables fully normalized.

Here are several scenarios where you might choose to break the rules of normalization:

· You decide to store an indexed computed column, Soundex, in tblCustomer to improve query performance, in violation of 3NF (because Soundex is dependent on LastName). The Soundex column contains the sound-alike code for the LastName column. It's an indexed column (with duplicates allowed) and is calculated using a user-defined function. If you wish to perform searches on the Soundex column with any but the smallest tables, you'll find a significant performance advantage to storing the Soundex column in the table and indexing this computed column. You'd likely use an event procedure attached to a form to perform the Soundex calculation and store the result in the Soundex column. To avoid update anomalies, you'll want to ensure that this column cannot be updated by the user and that it is updated every time LastName changes.

· In order to improve report performance, you decide to create a column named TotalOrderCost that contains a sum of the cost of each order item in tblOrder. This violates 2NF because TotalOrderCost is dependent on the primary key of tblOrderDetail, not on tblOrder's primary key. TotalOrderCost is calculated on a form by summing the column TotalCost for each item. Since you often create reports that need to include the total order cost, but not the cost of individual items, you've broken 2NF to avoid having to join these two tables every time this report needs to be generated. As in the last example, you have to be careful to avoid update anomalies. Whenever a record in tblOrderDetail is inserted, updated, or deleted, you will need to update tblOrder, or the information stored there will be erroneous.

· You decide to include a column, SalesPerson, in the tblInvoice table, even though SalesId is also included in tblInvoice. This violates 3NF because the two non-key columns are mutually dependent, but it significantly improves the performance of certain commonly run reports. Once again, this is done to avoid a join to the tblEmployee table, but introduces redundancies and adds the risk of update anomalies.

Functional dependency

Attribute B has a functional dependency on attribute A (i.e., A → B) if, for each value of attribute A, there is exactly one value of attribute B. If value of A is repeating in tuples then value of B will also repeat. In our example, Employee Address has a functional dependency on Employee ID, because a particular Employee ID value corresponds to one and only one Employee Address value. (Note that the reverse need not be true: several employees could live at the same address and therefore one Employee Address value could correspond to more than one Employee ID. Employee ID is therefore not functionally dependent on Employee Address.) An attribute may be functionally dependent either on a single attribute or on a combination of attributes. It is not possible to determine the extent to which a design is normalized without understanding what functional dependencies apply to the attributes within its tables; understanding this, in turn, requires knowledge of the problem domain. For example, an Employer may require certain employees to split their time between two locations, such as New York City and London, and therefore want to allow Employees to have more than one Employee Address. In this case, Employee Address would no longer be functionally dependent on Employee ID.

Another way to look at the above is by reviewing basic mathematical functions:

Let F(x) be a mathematical function of one independent variable. The independent variable is analogous to the attribute A. The dependent variable (or the dependent attribute using the lingo above), and hence the term functional dependency, is the value of F(A); A is an independent attribute. As we know, mathematical functions can have only one output. Notationally speaking, it is common to express this relationship in mathematics as F(A) = B; or, B → F(A).

There are also functions of more than one independent variable—commonly, this is referred to as multivariable functions. This idea represents an attribute being functionally dependent on a combination of attributes. Hence, F(x,y,z) contains three independent variables, or independent attributes, and one dependent attribute, namely, F(x,y,z). In multivariable functions, there can only be one output, or one dependent variable, or attribute.

Trivial functional dependency

A trivial functional dependency is a functional dependency of an attribute on a superset of itself. {Employee ID, Employee Address} → {Employee Address} is trivial, as is {Employee Address} → {Employee Address}.

Full functional dependency

An attribute is fully functionally dependent on a set of attributes X if it is

· functionally dependent on X, and

· not functionally dependent on any proper subset of X. {Employee Address} has a functional dependency on {Employee ID, Skill}, but not a full functional dependency, because it is also dependent on {Employee ID}.

Transitive dependency

A transitive dependency is an indirect functional dependency, one in which XZ only by virtue of XY and YZ.

Multivalued dependency

A multivalued dependency is a constraint according to which the presence of certain rows in a table implies the presence of certain other rows.

Join dependency

A table T is subject to a join dependency if T can always be recreated by joining multiple tables each having a subset of the attributes of T.


A superkey is an attribute or set of attributes that uniquely identifies rows within a table; in other words, two distinct rows are always guaranteed to have distinct superkeys. {Employee ID, Employee Address, Skill} would be a superkey for the "Employees' Skills" table; {Employee ID, Skill} would also be a superkey.

Candidate key

A candidate key is a minimal superkey, that is, a superkey for which we can say that no proper subset of it is also a superkey. {Employee Id, Skill} would be a candidate key for the "Employees' Skills" table.

Non-prime attribute

A non-prime attribute is an attribute that does not occur in any candidate key. Employee Address would be a non-prime attribute in the "Employees' Skills" table.

Primary key

Most DBMSs require a table to be defined as having a single unique key, rather than a number of possible unique keys. A primary key is a key which the database designer has designated for this purpose.

First Normal Form (1NF)
  • Eliminate repeating groups from the same table
  • Aggregate similiar data in separate tables and identify each row with an unique identifier

In simple language if we were to say each attribute of the relation would be atomic in nature for 1NF. Look at the example below to understand better.

Second Normal Form (2NF)

Moving forward lets take a look at the rules that goven 2NF. We get a step even more closer to remove duplicate records.

  • Remove data that apply to multiple rows and place them in a separate table
  • Relate the above table with foreign keys

Consider the below example to understand the same.

Third Normal Form (1NF)

This is the most preferred normalization technique followed for most of the database.

  • Eliminate all fields that donot depend on the Primary key

Values in a record that are not part of that record's key do not belong in the table. In general, any time the contents of a group of fields may apply to more than a single record in the table, consider placing those fields in a separate table.

Note: All these normalization are cummulative in nature. I re-iterate this point.

There are 4NF otherwise called as Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF). I wouldnot deal much into this form as it becomes far beyond practicle limits to have such a requirement. The rule is, we are in BCNF if and only if every determinant is a candidate key.

Reffrences :

1. ER Ngurah Agus Sanjaya. Slide Part 6 - NORMALISASI.

2. Fundamentals of Relational Database Design_By Paul Litwin (http://www.deeptraining.com/litwin/dbdesign/FundamentalsOfRelationalDatabaseDesign.aspx)

3. Normalizig Techniques_extremeexperts (http://www.extremeexperts.com/sql/articles/Normalizing.aspx)

4. Database Normalization Basics_By Mike Chapple (http://databases.about.com/od/specificproducts/a/normalization.htm)

5. Answers.com (http://www.answers.com/topic/database-normalization)

Minggu, 19 April 2009

Database and ERD


The database is a set of data stored in the magnetic disk, optical disk or other secondary storage. Besides, the data base can also be defined as the collection of data, which can be described as the activities of one or more organizations that be relations. The database can be a collection of integrated data-related data of an enterprise (company, government or private).

DBMS (Database Management System)

Database management system represent database aliance or corps with software of application being based on database. This application programs is used to access and look after database. Especial target of DBMS is to provide a efficient and easy environment for the usage of, to withdrawal and is depository of information and data.

A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) implements the features of the relational model outlined above. In this context, Date’s “Information Principle” states: “the entire information content of the database is represented in one and only one way. Namely as explicit values in column positions (attributes) and rows in relations(tuples). Therefore, there are no explicit pointers between related tables.”

- Bit representing part of containing smallest data of value 0 or 1.
- Byte representing corps of beets which of a kind.
- Field representing a group of byte-byte which of a kind, in data bases used by attribute term.

Field example:

Fields can be one of a range of different data types, including: Text, Integer, Real number, Yes/No (Boolean), Date, Time, Sound, and Video.


Attribute is the nature or characteristics of an entity that provides provide detail on these entities. A relationship can also have attributes. Example attributes:

  1. STUDENTS: NIM, Name, Faculty
  2. CAR: Colour, Brand, Type, CC


- single vs multivalue

  • single : only can containing mostly 1 value
  • multivalue : can containing more than 1 value with same kind value

- atomic vs composition

  • atomic : cannot divided into smaller attribute
  • composition : alliance of smaller attribute

- derived attribute : attribute that can be yield from other attribute value, for example : age can be yield from attribute of birth datenull

- value attribute : attribute with no value for a record

- mandatory value attribute : attribute that must have a value

Record is a row of data in a relationship. Consists of the set of attributes where the attribute-attribute-attribute is to inform each other entity / relationship fully. The main advantage of using records instead of tuples is that fields in a record are accessed by name, whereas fields in a tuple are accessed by position. To illustrate these differences, suppose that we want to represent a person with the tuple {Name, Address, Phone}.

We must remember that the Name field is the first element of the tuple, the Address field is the second element, and so on, in order to write functions which manipulate this data. For example, to extract data from a variable P which contains such a tuple we might write the following code and then use pattern matching to extract the relevant fields.

Name = element(1, P),
Address = element(2, P),

Code like this is difficult to read and understand and errors occur if we get the numbering of the elements in the tuple wrong. If we change the data representation by re-ordering the fields, or by adding or removing a field, then all references to the person tuple, wherever they occur, must be checked and possibly modified.

Records allow us to refer to the fields by name and not position. We use a record instead of a tuple to store the data. If we write a record definition of the type shown below, we can then refer to the fields of the record by name.

-record(person, {name, phone, address}).

For example, if P is now a variable whose value is a person record, we can code as follows in order to access the name and address fields of the records.


File / Entity is a collection of similar records and have the same elements, the same attributes but different data value.

In processing applications, files / entity can categoried with several types as follows:

- Master File
- Transaction Files
- File Reports
- File History
- File Protection
- File Work


Domain represent corps of values enabled to stay in one or more attribute. Every attribute in data bases of relasional defined by as a domain.


Key elements of record which is used to find these records at the time of access, or can also be used to identify each entity / record / line.


Super key

Super keyis one or more attribute that can be used for identification entity/record in table as uniquely (not all of attribute can be superkey).
Candidate key

Candidate key is supperkey with minimal attribute. Candidate key cannot containing the attribute from other table, so candidate key already definite as superkey but not yet the other way.
Primary key

Primary key is one of candidate key that can be chosen or determined as primary key with 3 category, that is :

  1. key is more natural for used as reference
  2. key is more simple
  3. key is guaranteed the unique

Alternate key

Alternate key is attribute from candidate key that not chosen as primary key

Foreign key

Foreign key is any kind attribute that showing to primary key in other table. Foreign key happen in a relation that having cardinality one-to-many or many-to-one. Usually, Foreign key always put in table direct to many.
External key is a lexical attribute (or compilation of lexical attribute) that its value always identification one object instance.

ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

ERD is a model of a network that uses word order is stored in the system of abstract.

The different between DFD and ERD
- DFD is a model of network functions that will be implemented by the system.
- ERD is a model that emphasizes the network data on the structure and relationship data.

The elements of ERD


  • Something exist inside real system or abstract system which data stored or where are the data.
  • Symbolized as square of length. There are also line symbol as link between compilation of entity with entity and compilation entity with its attribute.


  • Natural Relation happened between entity.
  • Generally, given name with basic verb that facilitating for reading its relation.
  • Symbolized as rhomb

Relationship degree

  • Account of entity that participated inside a relationship.
  • Degree is often used in ERD\


  • Characteristic of each entity or relationship
  • Symbolized as circle


  • Showing maximal account tupel that can be relation with entity in the other one.

Relationship of degree

- Unary relationship
is the relationship model between the entity originating from the same entity set.
- Binary relationship
is the relationship model between 2 entities
- Ternary relationship
is a relationship between the instance of 3 types of entities are unilateral

Cardinality example of types


Symbolic notations in the ER diagram are :

1. Rectangle represent the collective entity
2. Circle represent the attributes
3. Rhomb represent collective relationships
4. Line as the set of relationships between the entity and the collective entity with the attribute

Entity Relationship Diagram Notations
Peter Chen developed ERDs in 1976. Since then Charles Bachman and James Martin have added some sligh refinements to the basic ERD principles.


An entity is an object or concept about which you want to store information.

Weak Entity

Attributes are the properties or characteristics of an entity.

Key attribute

A key attribute is the unique, distinguishing characteristic of the entity. For example, an employee's social security number might be the employee's key attribute.

Multivalued attribute

A multivalued attribute can have more than one value. For example, an employee entity can have multiple skill values.

Derived attribute

A derived attribute is based on another attribute. For example, an employee's monthly salary is based on the employee's annual salary.


Relationships illustrate how two entities share information in the database structure.

Reffrences :

1. ER Ngurah Agus Sanjaya. Slide Part 5 - DATABASE DAN ER-DIAGRAM.

2. Elmasri & Navathe, Fundamental of Database Systems, 5th Edition, Chapter 3, 2007.

3. http://erlang.org/doc/programming_examples/records.html

4. http://www.smartdraw.com/tutorials/software/erd/tutorial_01.htm